SUMINISTROS GRUPO ESPER, represented by it brand OVAN, works with a wide network of distributors, in a national and international level, who are there to support you, to answer your questions and provide you with the best product to meet your needs. You can also contact us to ask any question that could arise, as well as, to ask information about what distributor to contact depending on the area where you are located.
Commercial & Technical Support
From SUMINISTROS GRUPO ESPER, represented by it brand OVAN, we want to develop and reinforce day alter day the relationship with our distributors and our users, delivering a suitable commercial support, as well as, a quality after sales service.
Our service vocation, the enthusiasm and dedication of the human team, altogether with the trust from our distributors and users, make our equipment meet your needs day after day.
Our technical support is qualified to solve any issue that could arise in the most efficient way. They are always there for assisting you in your repairs or technical doubts in order to deliver the best service. You can contact our technicians through your distributor.